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Can you Claim Compensation for a Dog Attack?

June 24, 2024

If you have suffered a dog bite in Ontario, Canada, it's important to understand your rights and legal options for pursuing compensation. The Dog Owners Liability Act of Ontario provides a legal framework to address such incidents. Here's an overview of key information related to dog bite injuries and your rights:


Common Causes of Dog Bite Injuries: Dog bite incidents often occur accidentally, with the dog reacting to perceived threats or discomfort. Common causes include:


  • Dogs that have escaped from their homes or yards and bitten strangers.
  • Dog bite attacks involving dogs that have not been properly socialized.
  • Injuries caused by dogs that have not been vaccinated.
  • Attacks against individuals who have a legitimate reason to be on the dog owner's property, such as postal workers.


When is a Dog Owner Liable for Dog Bites? The Dog Owner's Liability Act is designed to provide legal recourse for individuals injured in dog bite incidents. A dog owner can be held liable if their dog attacks you or your domestic animal without provocation and because it was not adequately trained or supervised. For example, if you were trespassing on a property with clear warnings of a dog, your chances of a successful dog bite claim are lower. However, if you are attacked by a dog roaming in your neighborhood, you may have grounds to file both civil and criminal charges against the owner.


Compensation for Dog Bite Victims: Dog owners may be held liable if their dog's attack causes physical or emotional harm. Compensation sought in dog bite claims may include:


  • Immediate Medical Attention: This covers the costs of treating the dog bite wound, including hospital visits, vaccinations, and infection prevention measures.
  • Rehabilitation: Some injuries may require physical rehabilitation, such as recovering from broken bones or extensive recovery periods.
  • Surgical Procedures: Severe cases or bites in sensitive areas may require surgical procedures to repair damage, treat infections, or address disfigurements.
  • Psychological Trauma: Dog bite incidents can lead to lasting mental trauma, including conditions like anxiety disorder or PTSD, which can affect a victim's daily life.
  • Disfigurement or Disability: Victims who suffer permanent disfigurement or long-term disabilities due to a dog bite can claim compensation to cover ongoing medical care and lost wages.


Steps to Take if You Have a Dog Bite Case: If you have been bitten by a dog, it's essential to take the following steps:


  • Seek immediate medical treatment for your wounds.
  • Preserve evidence from the incident, such as photographs, witness statements, and the location of the attack.
  • Keep records of all expenses related to your injury.
  • Contact a personal injury lawyer experienced in dog bite cases.

In many cases, dog owners can file claims with their insurance companies to cover damages they may be found liable for. An experienced personal injury lawyer can work with the dog's owner and their insurance company to ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries. Additionally, if the dog has a history of attacking humans, the incident may be considered a criminal act, leading to additional charges for the owner. Call VC LAWYERS today at 1-(855) 932-4929 for a free consultation!